The HSP Subcultures

It's possible that some HSPs will fit into more than one category, and some will not fit into any category.  Jacquelyn Strickland is the author and creator the HSP Subcultures that she created back in 2005. 
A brief explanation of these HSP subcultures, the tasks they each face, and the gifts they have to offer are below:
The Social Justice/Activist HSP
Deeply moved to action by injustices whether upon people or the environment. Usually dedicated to many causes to improve human and earthly conditions...view new paradigms for a new world.
Challenges: Being overwhelmed with too many causes, not finding like-minded support groups to work with, feeling isolated, and perhaps feeling judgmental of others.
Tasks: To find support, choose causes wisely, and realize that small changes do make a difference. Avoid burn out.

HSP Physical Reactor
HSPs who are unusually physically reactive to certain foods, noise, lights, stress. Physical reactions may include allergies, sweaty palms, nervousness, nausea, migraine headaches.
Challenges: Creating, seeking, or finding supportive environments which honor your physical sensitivities.
Task: Devoting investigative time to determine what triggers physical reactions and what alleviates the reactions. Accepting that not all people will understand these reactions.

Reserved Intellectual HSP
Usually introverts with keen intellect. May appear arrogant, but may not necessarily be that way.
Challenges: Finding ways and motivations to develop intellect and to share oneself and one's gifts with others and the world.
Tasks: Avoiding isolation, and learning to accept others of 'different' intellect. Reaching out, becoming involved.

Creative/Artistic HSP
Those HSPs who need to create and manifest their ideas or visions. Medium may be music, drama, art, ideas, books, poetry, painting, etc.
Challenges: Accepting, honoring and understanding the creative process and finding a medium for this expression.
Tasks: Learning how to manifest creative urges, finding support, education and time to create. Patience, perseverance.

The HSP Healer
Medical doctors and alternative healers who are unusually intuitive using their gifts to offer healing to others. Alternative healing modalities may be Reiki, massage, medical intuitive, etc.
Challenge: Accepting one's gifts and finding expression for them.
Task: Finding support and encouragement from like minded individuals and learning to trust your own gifts and use them appropriately.

Empowered Priestly Advisor
Evidenced by energetic, purposeful and spiritual direction in their lives.
Challenges: Taking on too many causes and expecting others to think like them. Periods of loss of faith or "dark nights of the soul."
Tasks: Finding support and like-minded individuals to work with. Avoiding burn-out. Accepting small change as progress.

The HSP in Transition
The person who has just discovered the trait of high sensitivity. May feel alone, misunderstood, judged, and may also feel relief at knowing about the trait.
Challenges: Self-identify, reframing, healing from past negativity about trait. Must learn to set boundaries and assert new self.
Tasks: Taking time to investigate the trait, set new boundaries, practice new coping skills.

The Core Issue HSP
The HSP from a traumatic, troubled and sometimes abandoned childhood. May have suffered from some type of abuse.
Challenge: Healing from past traumas, learning to integrate the HSP trait in a positive way.
Task: Reaching out for help, staying committed to 'recovery,' finding new kinds of support, friendship and community to be part of.

The Introverted Intellectual HSP
Somewhat different from the "Reserved Intellectual HSP" in that this HSP is drawn either to the scientific fields of inquiry (The Thinker) or to the psycho-spiritual fields of study (The Feeler) (or both?).
Challenges: Self-identity, reframing, and perhaps readjusting to a new HSP self.
Tasks: Finding ways for self-expression and to share gifts with others and the world. Avoiding isolation. Accepting others who are 'different' from them.

The Wise, Saintly HSP
The Mother Teresas of the world. Supreme devotion to serve a higher spiritual calling.
Challenge: Finding unique expression for your calling.
Task: Avoid isolation, burn out. Learn to practice self-care.

The Caregivers and Guardians of Childhood, the Elderly, and the Dying
Those who find caring for children, the elderly and the dying come naturally. They have a unique ability to serve those with special needs.
Challenges: Finding support and structure to provide unique kind of care.
Task: Finding time away from caring and giving to others. Practicing self-care. Learning not to 'care and give' too much - usually at their own expense.

The Calloused, Unrecognized HSP
The HSP who has either ignored traits of sensitivity, or who were never given the gift of knowledge about the trait. May appear unfeeling, scornful or contemptuous, usually not capable of being in loving, reciprocal relationships. (We might see our parents in this subculture?)
Challenges: Becoming knowledgeable about the trait of high sensitivity is a major break through for the Calloused HSP.
Tasks: Avoiding becoming embittered, sick, dysfunctional, addicted to drugs or alcohol. Must be willing to find appropriate intervention to begin long process of healing.

Credit to Jacquelyn Strickland -


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