The Strong, Sensitive Boy by Ted Zeff - Book Review

Ik weet dat ik al eerder iets geschreven heb over dr Tedd Zeff en zijn boek: Overlevingsgids voor Hoog Sensitieve Personen en zijn Werkboek voor Hoog Sensitieve personen

Dr. Ted Zeff heeft een counseling praktijk in de buurt van San Francisco en jarenlange ervaring in het begeleiden van HSP’s. Zijn nieuwste boek is inmiddels ook in het Nederlands vertaald en zal de titel krijgen “De sterke, gevoelige Jongen”. Deze vertaling zal naar verwachting in de zomer uitkomen. 

Ondertussen is het boek uiteraard verkrijgbaar in het Engels.

Ted Zeff is een van de weinigen ter wereld die zich gaan toeleggen is op het werken met HSP mannen en jongens.  Dit boek is een absolute MUST voor alle ouders en iedereen die met hooggevoelige jongens omgaat!

From the Publisher:
This book is also important for sensitive men to read to help them heal their childhood wounds, learn how to navigate through our aggressive, overstimulating world, and accept themselves as sensitive men. This book is helpful for sensitive women since how society treats sensitive men deeply affects highly sensitive women—and all women close to sensitive males.

I've seen all too frequently how the less aggressive boys get teased in my classroom and on the playground ending up lowering their self-esteem and confidence. Also, I witnessed how my sensitive teenage nephew was traumatized by the bullying he experienced a few years ago in middle school. The book covers the topic of bullying, which has been devastating for so many children, and how to successfully address this horrific problem for students, parents and teachers.

Dr. Zeff's chapter on the the sensitive boy in school has helped me a create classroom environment that works for all my children, not just the assertive ones. I also found the chapter on raising the sensitive boy's self-esteem full of wonderful suggestions that I'm incorporating into my daily teaching techniques.

The book is well written with many interesting stories and has been well researched. "The Strong, Sensitive Boy" is not only an indispensable resource for parents and relatives of sensitive boys, but for any professional working with children since 20% of all children have the trait of high sensitivity.


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