
Posts uit januari, 2010 tonen

Hooggevoelig??? Gewoon een seut!

Quite a few people have asked me to post something in "Nederlands" on HSP as they have difficulties reading English. The main language in this blog will stay English, but I will add the occasional text in Dutch. If there is a need for a totally Dutch blog, then please let me know and I will create one. Hooggevoeligheid Hooggevoeligheid is heel gevoelig zijn. Kan je hooggevoelig zijn zonder het te weten?  Absoluut!  Veel mensen zijn hooggevoelig zonder dat ze het weten. Velen zullen zichzelf dan ook na het lezen van deze pagina herkennen als HSP’er, Highly Sensitive Person of hooggevoelig persoon. Zintuiglijke gevoeligheid Hooggevoelige mensen zijn gevoeliger dan de gemiddelde mens. Hun zintuiglijke waarnemingen zijn gevoeliger. Ze nemen dus veel meer waar dan anderen.  Ze voelen meer intens en kunnen hierdoor vaak minder aan dan de gemiddelde mens. Drukte, lawaai, lichtflitsen, veel mensen om je heen en stress worden over het algemeen slecht verdragen. Een HSP

Highly Sensitive or Hyper Sensitive?

Being hypersensitive could be described as being allergic to life. For the highly sensitive person (HSP) a seemingly ordinary day can be overwhelming. Even the most subtle of stimulants a person encounters on a daily basis can be over-stimulating. Energies associated with touch, noise, scent, light, etc. are often too quickly or deeply absorbed by the HSP. As a result, the HSP may become mentally confused, emotionally upset, and/or physically uncomfortable. Hypersensitivity is also associated with a heightened sense of awareness and intuition. This makes being a HSP or empath a two-way street. I have always known that my daughter was a Highly Sensitive person but only last night did I come to realize there must be different gradients to Highly Sensitive. She must be an extra-Highly Sensitive or a Sensitive XXL. Last night she told me she could tell who’d been in the bathroom before her by the smell of their urine!!! ????? Then it all fell into place. When I give her a frie

The HSP Subcultures

It's possible that some HSPs will fit into more than one category, and some will not fit into any category.  Jacquelyn Strickland is the author and creator the HSP Subcultures that she created back in 2005.  A brief explanation of these HSP subcultures, the tasks they each face, and the gifts they have to offer are below: The Social Justice/Activist HSP Deeply moved to action by injustices whether upon people or the environment. Usually dedicated to many causes to improve human and earthly conditions...view new paradigms for a new world. Challenges: Being overwhelmed with too many causes, not finding like-minded support groups to work with, feeling isolated, and perhaps feeling judgmental of others. Tasks: To find support, choose causes wisely, and realize that small changes do make a difference. Avoid burn out. HSP Physical Reactor HSPs who are unusually physically reactive to certain foods, noise, lights, stress. Physical reactions may include all

Ben jij hooggevoelig?

Kenmerken van hooggevoeligen • ze voelen stemmingen van anderen goed aan; • ze nemen gedetailleerder, subtieler en intenser waar; • ze ervaren, reflecteren en voelen diep en intensief; • ze hebben afkeer van specifieke indringende prikkels; • ze worden geprikkeld door dingen die anderen niet schijnen op te merken; • ze raken sneller verzadigd door (bepaalde) prikkels; • ze worden meer dan gemiddeld door bijvoorbeeld natuur, kunst of muziek geroerd; • ze denken vaak na over hun roeping. • ze filosoferen graag en veel en hebben een rijke innerlijke belevingswereld; • ze dromen, fantaseren en overwegen veel; • ze zijn opmerkzaam en aandachtig; • ze functioneren het beste in hun eigen tempo; • ze zijn goed in het signaleren en vermijden van fouten; • ze vinden het prettig en hebben het nodig om tijd alleen door te brengen; • ze hebben rechtvaardigheid en respect hoog in hun vaandel staan; • ze zijn vaak plichtsgetrouw en anticiperend op de behoeften van anderen; • ze

Book Review: Empowered by Empathy

Reviewed by Cynthia Yockey If you are aware that your empathy whether for people, animals, the environment, or whatever overwhelms you from time to time, by showing you how to harness your ability so it does not run off with you, Rose Rosetree's latest book, Empowered by Empathy: 25 Ways to Fly in Spirit, could save your life. Definitely it will provide you with the knowledge you need to understand and unfold your gift. Even if you believe you are a very advanced empath, I assure you that Rosetree has a thing or three to add that not only will accelerate the growth of your abilities, but also increase your stability and joy in the process. And perhaps best of all, Rosetree s book gently and skillfully guides those who simply feel drawn to the concept of empathy through the underlying concepts of recognizing their own empathic strengths and then provides exercises to help them unfold their abilities. In a nutshell, Empowered by Empathy describes ethical ways to connect with